Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (2024)

Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (1) Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (2) Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (3)

Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified with your own text editor.

Notes exported from Evernote via .enex files can be imported into Joplin, including the formatted content (which is converted to Markdown), resources (images, attachments, etc.) and complete metadata (geolocation, updated time, created time, etc.). Plain Markdown files can also be imported.

The notes can be synchronised with various targets including the file system (for example with a network directory), Nextcloud, Dropbox, OneDrive or WebDAV. When synchronising the notes, notebooks, tags and other metadata are saved to plain text files which can be easily inspected, backed up and moved around.

Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (5)


Operating systemMethod
macOS, Linux, or Windows (via WSL)1. First, install Node 12+.

2. Issue the following commands to install Joplin Terminal:
NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=~/.joplin-bin npm install -g joplin
sudo ln -s ~/.joplin-bin/bin/joplin /usr/local/bin/joplin

3. Enter the following command to start Joplin Terminal:

By default, the application binary will be installed under ~/.joplin-bin. You may change this directory if needed. Alternatively, if your npm permissions are setup as described here (Option 2) then simply running npm -g install joplin would work.

Unsupported methods

There are other ways to install the terminal application. However, they are not supported and problems must be reported to the upstream projects.

Operating systemMethod
Arch LinuxAn Arch Linux package is available here. To install it, use an AUR wrapper such as yay: yay -S joplin. Both the CLI tool (type joplin) and desktop app (type joplin-desktop) are packaged. You can also install a compiled version with the chaotic-aur repository. For support, please go to the GitHub repo.


To start the application type joplin. This will open the user interface, which has three main panes: Notebooks, Notes and the text of the current note. There are also additional panels that can be toggled on and off via shortcuts.

Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (6)

Input modes

Joplin user interface is partly based on the text editor Vim and offers two different modes to interact with the notes and notebooks:

Normal mode

Allows moving from one pane to another using the Tab and Shift-Tab keys, and to select/view notes using the arrow keys. Text area can be scrolled using the arrow keys too. Press Enter to edit a note. Various other shortcuts are available.

Command-line mode

Press : to enter command line mode. From there, the Joplin commands such as mknote or search are available. See the full list of commands.

It is possible to refer to a note or notebook by title or ID. However the simplest way is to refer to the currently selected item using one of these shortcuts:

$nRefers to the currently selected note
$bRefers to the currently selected notebook
$cRefers to the currently selected item. For example, if the note list is current active, $c will refer to the currently selected note.


Create a new note with title "Wednesday's meeting":

mknote "Wednesday's meeting"

Create a new to-do:

mktodo "Buy bread"

Move the currently selected note ($n) to the notebook with title "Personal"

mv $n "Personal"

Rename the currently selected notebook ($b) to "Something":

ren $b "Something"

Attach a local file to the currently selected note ($n):

attach $n /home/laurent/pictures/Vacation12.jpg

The configuration can also be changed from command-line mode. For example, to change the current editor to Sublime Text:

config editor "subl -w"

Editing a note

To edit a note, select it and press ENTER. Or, in command-line mode, type edit $n to edit the currently selected note, or edit "Note title" to edit a particular note.

Getting help

The complete usage information is available from command-line mode, by typing one of these commands:

helpGeneral help information
help keymapLists the available shortcuts
help [command]Displays information about a particular command

If the help is not fully visible, press Tab multiple times till the console is in focus and use the arrow keys or page up/down to scroll the text.

For general information relevant to all the applications, see also Joplin home page.

Importing notes from Evernote

To import Evernote data, follow these steps:

  • First, export your Evernote notebooks to ENEX files as described here.
  • In Joplin, in command-line mode, type import /path/to/file.enex. This will import the notes into a new notebook named after the filename.
  • Then repeat the process for each notebook that needs to be imported.


One of the goals of Joplin is to avoid being tied to any particular company or service, whether it is Evernote, Google or Microsoft. As such the synchronisation is designed without any hard dependency to any particular service. Most of the synchronisation process is done at an abstract level and access to external services, such as Nextcloud or Dropbox, is done via lightweight drivers. It is easy to support new services by creating simple drivers that provide a filesystem-like interface, i.e. the ability to read, write, delete and list items. It is also simple to switch from one service to another.

Currently, synchronisation is possible with Joplin Cloud, Nextcloud, S3, WebDAV, Dropbox, OneDrive or the local filesystem. To enable synchronisation please follow the instructions below. After that, the application will synchronise in the background whenever it is running, or you can click on "Synchronise" to start a synchronisation manually. Joplin will background sync automatically after any content change is made on the local application.

If the terminal client has been installed, it is possible to also synchronise outside of the user interface by typing joplin sync from the terminal. This can be used to setup a cron script to synchronise at a regular interval. For example, this would do it every 30 minutes:

/30 * * * /path/to/joplin sync

Nextcloud synchronisation

You will need to set the config variable and all the sync.5.path, sync.5.username and sync.5.password config variables to, respectively the Nextcloud WebDAV URL, your username and your password. This can be done from the command line mode using:

:config 5
:config sync.5.path
:config sync.5.username YOUR_USERNAME
:config sync.5.password YOUR_PASSWORD

If synchronisation does not work, please consult the logs in the app profile directory (~/.config/joplin)- it is often due to a misconfigured URL or password. The log should indicate what the exact issue is.

WebDAV synchronisation

Select the "WebDAV" synchronisation target and follow the same instructions as for Nextcloud above (for the terminal application you will need to select sync target 6 rather than 5).

For WebDAV-compatible services that are known to work with Joplin see WebDAV synchronisation.

Dropbox synchronisation

You will need to set the config variable from the command line mode using:

:config 7

When syncing with Dropbox, Joplin creates a sub-directory in Dropbox, in /Apps/Joplin and read/write the notes and notebooks from it. The application does not have access to anything outside this directory.

To initiate the synchronisation process, type :sync. You will be asked to follow a link to authorise the application.

Local filesystem synchronisation

Local filesystem sync can be initiated after starting the joplin terminal app by using the command-line mode

:config 2
:config sync.2.path <path to local sync dir>

OneDrive synchronisation

When syncing with OneDrive, Joplin creates a sub-directory in OneDrive, in /Apps/Joplin and read/write the notes and notebooks from it. The application does not have access to anything outside this directory.

To initiate the synchronisation process, type :sync. You will be asked to follow a link to authorise the application (simply input your Microsoft credentials - you do not need to register with OneDrive).


When Ctrl+Clicking a URL (or opening with the shortcut 'o' while it is highlighted), most terminals will open that URL in the default browser. However, one issue, especially with long URLs, is that they can end up like this:

Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (7)

Not only it makes the text hard to read, but the link, being cut in two, will also not be clickable.

As a solution Joplin tries to start a mini-server in the background and, if successful, all the links will be converted to a much shorter URL:

Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (8)

Since this is still an actual URL, the terminal will still make it clickable. And with shorter URLs, the text is more readable and the links unlikely to be cut. Both resources (files that are attached to notes) and external links are handled in this way.

Attachments / Resources

In Markdown, links to resources are represented as a simple ID to the resource. In order to give access to these resources, they will be, like links, converted to local URLs. Clicking this link will then open a browser, which will handle the file - i.e. display the image, open the PDF file, etc.

Shell mode

Commands can also be used directly from a shell. To view the list of available commands, type joplin help all. To reference a note, notebook or tag you can either use the ID (type joplin ls -l to view the ID) or by title.

For example, this will create a new note "My note" in the notebook "My notebook":

$ joplin mkbook "My notebook"
$ joplin use "My notebook"
$ joplin mknote "My note"

To view the newly created note:

$ joplin ls -l
fe889 07/12/2017 17:57 My note

Give a new title to the note:

$ joplin set fe889 title "New title"


There are two types of shortcuts: those that manipulate the user interface directly, such as TAB to move from one pane to another, and those that are simply shortcuts to actual commands. In a way similar to Vim, these shortcuts are generally a verb followed by an object. For example, typing mn ([m]ake [n]ote), is used to create a new note: it will switch the interface to command line mode and pre-fill it with mknote "" from where the title of the note can be entered. See below for the full list of default shortcuts:

: enter_command_line_mode
TAB focus_next
SHIFT_TAB focus_previous
UP move_up
DOWN move_down
PAGE_UP page_up
PAGE_DOWN page_down
ENTER activate
(SPACE) todo toggle $n
n next_link
b previous_link
o open_link
tc toggle_console
tm toggle_metadata
/ search ""
mn mknote ""
mt mktodo ""
mb mkbook ""
yn cp $n ""
dn mv $n ""

Shortcut can be configured by adding a keymap file to the profile directory in ~/.config/joplin/keymap.json. The content of this file is a JSON array with each entry defining a command and the keys associated with it.

As an example, this is the default keymap, but read below for a detailed explanation of each property.

{ "keys": [":"], "type": "function", "command": "enter_command_line_mode" },
{ "keys": ["TAB"], "type": "function", "command": "focus_next" },
{ "keys": ["SHIFT_TAB"], "type": "function", "command": "focus_previous" },
{ "keys": ["UP"], "type": "function", "command": "move_up" },
{ "keys": ["DOWN"], "type": "function", "command": "move_down" },
{ "keys": ["PAGE_UP"], "type": "function", "command": "page_up" },
{ "keys": ["PAGE_DOWN"], "type": "function", "command": "page_down" },
{ "keys": ["ENTER"], "type": "function", "command": "activate" },
{ "keys": ["DELETE", "BACKSPACE"], "type": "function", "command": "delete" },
{ "keys": [" "], "command": "todo toggle $n" },
{ "keys": ["n"], "type": "function", "command": "next_link" },
{ "keys": ["b"], "type": "function", "command": "previous_link" },
{ "keys": ["o"], "type": "function", "command": "open_link" },
{ "keys": ["tc"], "type": "function", "command": "toggle_console" },
{ "keys": ["tm"], "type": "function", "command": "toggle_metadata" },
{ "keys": ["/"], "type": "prompt", "command": "search \"\"", "cursorPosition": -2 },
{ "keys": ["mn"], "type": "prompt", "command": "mknote \"\"", "cursorPosition": -2 },
{ "keys": ["mt"], "type": "prompt", "command": "mktodo \"\"", "cursorPosition": -2 },
{ "keys": ["mb"], "type": "prompt", "command": "mkbook \"\"", "cursorPosition": -2 },
{ "keys": ["yn"], "type": "prompt", "command": "cp $n \"\"", "cursorPosition": -2 },
{ "keys": ["dn"], "type": "prompt", "command": "mv $n \"\"", "cursorPosition": -2 }

Each entry can have the following properties:

keysThe array of keys that will trigger the action. Special keys such as page up, down arrow, etc. needs to be specified UPPERCASE. See the list of available special keys. For example, ['DELETE', 'BACKSPACE'] means the command will run if the user pressed either the delete or backspace key. Key combinations can also be provided - in that case specify them lowercase. For example "tc" means that the command will be executed when the user pressed "t" then "c". Special keys can also be used in this fashion - simply write them one after the other. For instance, CTRL_WCTRL_W means the action would be executed if the user pressed "ctrl-w ctrl-w".
typeThe command type. It can have the value "exec", "function" or "prompt". exec: Simply execute the provided command. For example edit $n would edit the selected note. function: Run a special commands (see below for the list of functions). prompt: A bit similar to "exec", except that the command is not going to be executed immediately - this allows the user to provide additional data. For example mknote "" would fill the command line with this command and allow the user to set the title. A prompt command can also take a cursorPosition parameter (see below)
commandThe command that needs to be executed
cursorPositionAn integer. For prompt commands, tells where the cursor (caret) should start at. This is convenient for example to position the cursor between quotes. Use a negative value to set a position starting from the end. A value of "0" means positioning the caret at the first character. A value of "-1" means positioning it at the end.

This is the list of special functions:

enter_command_line_modeEnter command line mode
focus_nextFocus next pane (or widget)
focus_previousFocus previous pane (or widget)
move_upMove up (in a list for example)
move_downMove down (in a list for example)
page_upPage up
page_downPage down
next_linkSelect the next link in the currently opened note (the first link will be selected if no link is currently selected)
previous_linkSelect the previous link in the currently opened note (the last link will be selected if no link is currently selected)
open_linkOpen the currently selected link externally
activateActivates the selected item. If the item is a note for example it will be open in the editor
deleteDeletes the selected item
toggle_consoleToggle the console
toggle_metadataToggle note metadata


The following commands are available in command-line mode:

attach <note> <file>

Attaches the given file to the note.

batch <file-path>

Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command
per line.

cat <note>

Displays the given note.

-v, --verbose Displays the complete information about note.

config [name] [value]

Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the
value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list
the current configuration.

-v, --verbose Also displays unset and hidden config variables.
--export Writes all settings to STDOUT as JSON including
secure variables.
--import Reads in JSON formatted settings from STDIN.
--import-file <file> Reads in settings from <file>. <file> must contain
valid JSON.

Possible keys/values: Synchronisation target.
The target to synchronise to. Each sync
target may have additional parameters which
are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all
documented below).
Type: Enum.
Possible values: 0 ((None)), 2 (File
system), 3 (OneDrive), 5 (Nextcloud), 6
(WebDAV), 7 (Dropbox), 8 (S3 (Beta)), 9
(Joplin Server (Beta)), 10 (Joplin Cloud).
Default: 0

sync.2.path Directory to synchronise with (absolute
Attention: If you change this location,
make sure you copy all your content to it
before syncing, otherwise all files will be
removed! See the FAQ for more details:
Type: string.

sync.5.path Nextcloud WebDAV URL.
Attention: If you change this location,
make sure you copy all your content to it
before syncing, otherwise all files will be
removed! See the FAQ for more details:
Type: string.

sync.5.username Nextcloud username.
Type: string.

sync.5.password Nextcloud password.
Type: string.

sync.6.path WebDAV URL.
Attention: If you change this location,
make sure you copy all your content to it
before syncing, otherwise all files will be
removed! See the FAQ for more details:
Type: string.

sync.6.username WebDAV username.
Type: string.

sync.6.password WebDAV password.
Type: string.

sync.8.path AWS S3 bucket.
Attention: If you change this location,
make sure you copy all your content to it
before syncing, otherwise all files will be
removed! See the FAQ for more details:
Type: string.

sync.8.url AWS S3 URL.
Type: string.
Default: ""

sync.8.region AWS region.
Type: string.

sync.8.username AWS access key.
Type: string.

sync.8.password AWS secret key.
Type: string.

sync.8.forcePathStyle Force path style.
Type: bool.
Default: false

sync.9.path Joplin Server URL.
Attention: If you change this location,
make sure you copy all your content to it
before syncing, otherwise all files will be
removed! See the FAQ for more details:
Type: string.

sync.9.username Joplin Server email.
Type: string.

sync.9.password Joplin Server password.
Type: string.

sync.10.username Joplin Cloud email.
Type: string.

sync.10.password Joplin Cloud password.
Type: string.

sync.maxConcurrentConnections Max concurrent connections.
Type: int.
Default: 5

locale Language.
Type: Enum.
Possible values: ar (Arabic (93%)), eu
(Basque (27%)), bs_BA (Bosnian (Bosna i
Hercegovina) (67%)), bg_BG (Bulgarian
(България) (53%)), ca (Catalan (93%)),
hr_HR (Croatian (Hrvatska) (97%)), cs_CZ
(Czech (Česká republika) (89%)), da_DK
(Dansk (Danmark) (97%)), de_DE (Deutsch
(Deutschland) (97%)), et_EE (Eesti Keel
(Eesti) (51%)), en_GB (English (United
Kingdom) (100%)), en_US (English (United
States of America) (100%)), es_ES (Español
(España) (93%)), eo (Esperanto (30%)),
fi_FI (Finnish (Suomi) (93%)), fr_FR
(Français (France) (100%)), gl_ES (Galician
(España) (34%)), id_ID (Indonesian
(Indonesia) (92%)), it_IT (Italiano
(Italia) (90%)), hu_HU (Magyar
(Magyarország) (78%)), nl_BE (Nederlands
(België,Belgique,Belgien) (81%)), nl_NL
(Nederlands (Nederland) (85%)), nb_NO
(Norwegian (Norge,Noreg) (90%)), fa
(Persian (64%)), pl_PL (Polski (Polska)
(84%)), pt_BR (Português (Brasil) (94%)),
pt_PT (Português (Portugal) (84%)), ro
(Română (59%)), sl_SI (Slovenian
(Slovenija) (93%)), sv (Svenska (97%)),
th_TH (Thai (ประเทศไทย) (43%)), vi (Tiếng
Việt (90%)), tr_TR (Türkçe (Türkiye)
(93%)), uk_UA (Ukrainian (Україна) (83%)),
el_GR (Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα) (87%)), ru_RU
(Русский (Россия) (93%)), sr_RS (српски
језик (Србија) (76%)), zh_CN (中文 (简体)
(97%)), zh_TW (中文 (繁體) (90%)), ja_JP (日本語
(日本) (98%)), ko (한국어 (89%)).
Default: "en_GB"

dateFormat Date format.
Type: Enum.
Possible values: DD/MM/YYYY (30/01/2017),
DD/MM/YY (30/01/17), MM/DD/YYYY
(01/30/2017), MM/DD/YY (01/30/17),
YYYY-MM-DD (2017-01-30), DD.MM.YYYY
(30.01.2017), YYYY.MM.DD (2017.01.30),
YYMMDD (170130), YYYY/MM/DD (2017/01/30).
Default: "DD/MM/YYYY"

timeFormat Time format.
Type: Enum.
Possible values: HH:mm (20:30), h:mm A
(8:30 PM).
Default: "HH:mm"

uncompletedTodosOnTop Uncompleted to-dos on top.
Type: bool.
Default: true

showCompletedTodos Show completed to-dos.
Type: bool.
Default: true

notes.sortOrder.field Sort notes by.
Type: Enum.
Possible values: user_updated_time (Updated
date), user_created_time (Created date),
title (Title), order (Custom order).
Default: "user_updated_time"

notes.sortOrder.reverse Reverse sort order.
Type: bool.
Default: true

folders.sortOrder.field Sort notebooks by.
Type: Enum.
Possible values: title (Title),
last_note_user_updated_time (Updated date).
Default: "title"

folders.sortOrder.reverse Reverse sort order.
Type: bool.
Default: false

trackLocation Save geo-location with notes.
Type: bool.
Default: true

sync.interval Synchronisation interval.
Type: Enum.
Possible values: 0 (Disabled), 300 (5
minutes), 600 (10 minutes), 1800 (30
minutes), 3600 (1 hour), 43200 (12 hours),
86400 (24 hours).
Default: 300

editor Text editor command.
The editor command (may include arguments)
that will be used to open a note. If none
is provided it will try to auto-detect the
default editor.
Type: string.

net.customCertificates Custom TLS certificates.
Comma-separated list of paths to
directories to load the certificates from,
or path to individual cert files. For
example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem.
Note that if you make changes to the TLS
settings, you must save your changes before
clicking on "Check synchronisation
Type: string.

net.ignoreTlsErrors Ignore TLS certificate errors.
Type: bool.
Default: false

sync.wipeOutFailSafe Fail-safe.
Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when
sync target is empty (often the result of a
misconfiguration or bug)
Type: bool.
Default: true

revisionService.enabled Enable note history.
Type: bool.
Default: true

revisionService.ttlDays Keep note history for.
Type: int.
Default: 90

layout.folderList.factor Notebook list growth factor.
The factor property sets how the item will
grow or shrink to fit the available space
in its container with respect to the other
items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will
take twice as much space as an item with a
factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.
Type: int.
Default: 1

layout.noteList.factor Note list growth factor.
The factor property sets how the item will
grow or shrink to fit the available space
in its container with respect to the other
items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will
take twice as much space as an item with a
factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.
Type: int.
Default: 1

layout.note.factor Note area growth factor.
The factor property sets how the item will
grow or shrink to fit the available space
in its container with respect to the other
items. Thus an item with a factor of 2 will
take twice as much space as an item with a
factor of 1.Restart app to see changes.
Type: int.
Default: 2

cp <note> [notebook]

Duplicates the notes matching <note> to [notebook]. If no notebook is
specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.

done <note>

Marks a to-do as done.

e2ee <command> [path]

Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`,
`status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`.

-p, --password <password> Use this password as master password (For
security reasons, it is not recommended to use
this option).
-v, --verbose More verbose output for the `target-status`
-o, --output <directory> Output directory
--retry-failed-items Applies to `decrypt` command - retries
decrypting items that previously could not be

edit <note>

Edit note.

export <path>

Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the
complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.

--format <format> Destination format: jex (Joplin Export File), raw
(Joplin Export Directory), md (Markdown),
md_frontmatter (Markdown + Front Matter)
--note <note> Exports only the given note.
--notebook <notebook> Exports only the given notebook.

geoloc <note>

Displays a geolocation URL for the note.

help [command]

Displays usage information.

import <path> [notebook]

Imports data into Joplin.

--format <format> Source format: auto, jex, md,
md_frontmatter, raw, enex, enex
-f, --force Do not ask for confirmation.
--output-format <output-format> Output format: md, html

ls [note-pattern]

Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list
of notebooks.

-n, --limit <num> Displays only the first top <num> notes.
-s, --sort <field> Sorts the item by <field> (eg. title, updated_time,
-r, --reverse Reverses the sorting order.
-t, --type <type> Displays only the items of the specific type(s).
Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for
notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the
to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and
-f, --format <format> Either "text" or "json"
-l, --long Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for
notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE

mkbook <new-notebook>

Creates a new notebook.

mknote <new-note>

Creates a new note.

mktodo <new-todo>

Creates a new to-do.

mv <note> [notebook]

Moves the notes matching <note> to [notebook].

ren <item> <name>

Renames the given <item> (note or notebook) to <name>.

rmbook <notebook>

Deletes the given notebook.

-f, --force Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.

rmnote <note-pattern>

Deletes the notes matching <note-pattern>.

-f, --force Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.

server <command>

Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should
run, set the api.port config variable. Commands are (start|stop|status).
This is an experimental feature - use at your own risks! It is recommended
that the server runs off its own separate profile so that no two CLI
instances access that profile at the same time. Use --profile to specify
the profile path.

set <note> <name> [value]

Sets the property <name> of the given <note> to the given [value].
Possible properties are:

parent_id (text), title (text), body (text), created_time (int),
updated_time (int), is_conflict (int), latitude (numeric), longitude
(numeric), altitude (numeric), author (text), source_url (text), is_todo
(int), todo_due (int), todo_completed (int), source (text),
source_application (text), application_data (text), order (numeric),
user_created_time (int), user_updated_time (int), encryption_cipher_text
(text), encryption_applied (int), markup_language (int), is_shared (int),
share_id (text), conflict_original_id (text), master_key_id (text)


Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.


Synchronises with remote storage.

--target <target> Sync to provided target (defaults to
config value)
--upgrade Upgrade the sync target to the latest version.
--use-lock <value> Disable local locks that prevent multiple clients from
synchronizing at the same time (Default = 1)

tag <tag-command> [tag] [note]

<tag-command> can be "add", "remove", "list", or "notetags" to assign or
remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or to list
tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to list
all the tags (use -l for long option).

-l, --long Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook),

todo <todo-command> <note-pattern>

<todo-command> can either be "toggle" or "clear". Use "toggle" to toggle
the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is
a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use "clear" to convert
the to-do back to a regular note.

undone <note>

Marks a to-do as non-completed.

use <notebook>

Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this


Displays version information


Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Laurent Cozic

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Joplin Terminal Application | Joplin (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.