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Game » consists of 1 releases. Released 1980
- TI-99/4A
Hunt the Wumpus is a strategy/maze game for the TI 99/4A.
Short summary describing this game.
Hunt the Wumpus last edited by Marino on 05/27/20 06:54AM View full history
Hunt the Wumpus is a strategy / maze game where the objective is for the player to kill the Wumpus without becoming the Wumpus' prey or succumbing to environmental hazards. Players manuever around a grid representing a cave. Besides being killed by the Wumpus, players can also die by falling into pits or being killed by bats. Players kill the Wumpus by firing an arrow into a grid position they haven't entered where they believe the Wumpus is hiding. If they target the wrong place, the Wumpus awakes and kills the player.
The game was first created in the early 70s to run on mainframe computers, and as such is one of the pioneers of the RPG / dungeon bash genre, and of videogaming itself.
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